Alexander Graham Bell coloring pages

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Alexander Graham Bell coloring pages
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Alexander Graham Bell is one of the most popular scientists in the world that ever we had because of his practice only. We are talking now on the telephone. He invented the first practical telephone. He was not only a scientist but also an inventor, engineer and innovator. He was born on 3 March, 1847, in Scotland.
The invention of the telephone was patented in 1876 by the US government. After the great invention of the telephone Bell did not stop there. He invented so many things including groundbreaking work in optical telecommunication, hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888, he became one of the most talented origin members of the National Geographic Society.
Graham Bell showed so much curiosity for the world and its things. He started experiments at his early stage of life with his neighbour friend. Graham Bell died because of diabetes on 2 August, 1922. Although he could not complete his degree in the youth yet later many universities gave him many honorary degrees.

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