Francis Beaufort coloring pages

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Francis Beaufort coloring pages
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Sir Francis Beaufort was born on 24 May, 1774 in Navan. Daniel Augustus Beaufort was his father who was the member of Royal Irish Academy. Till the age fourteen Francis spent his days in Ireland and Wales. After finishing his school he went for higher studies. But afterward, he became amply self-educated to get associated with some of the best scientists. He also get associated with mathematicians such as Herschel, Airy and Babbage.
Francis Beaufort was associated with Britain's Royal Navy and also known as a renowned Irish hydrographer. The Beaufort scale that is used to point towards the force of the wind was formed by Francis Beaufort. He wrote about the Beaufort scale in his journal. Other than this, Beaufort was also engaged with the French Wars of Religion in 1500 sera. Francis was connected to the Royal Academy, Royal Geographic society and Royal Observatory where he took some managerial action being a middleman of the scientists of that time. After achieving so much in the year 1857, on 17 December, Beaufort took his last breath at the age of 83 in England. His tomb is still found in the church gardens of St. John in London where his body is buried.

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