Oleg Antonov coloring page

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Oleg Antonov coloring page
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Oleg Antonov born on 7 February, 1906, was a famous Soviet aeroplane designer and the founder of the world-known aircraft company, Antonov ASTC. He had created many important aircraft in his lifetime, some of which had played important roles during the Second World War. His best awarded designed aerpolane was the A-7 which fetched him Patriotic War Guerilla medal. This aircraft was specially made to deliver all kinds of food and medical supplies to the guerilla troops. Along with a number of other troop gliders, he invented the A-40 Winged Tank that was able to carry a light tanker.
One of Oleg's most promising aircraft was the A-22 which was capable of lifting 100 tons of cargo. It was surprisingly a four-storey building heightened at that time, and is still being used. Some more designs from the office of Antonov were the A-225 which carried 250 tons of supplies over a distance of 4,000 km. He was a prominent aeroplane builder greatly known for his designs to carry large weights over large distances. He died on 4 April, 1984.

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